Thursday, March 11, 2010

Racist CEO Compares Michelle Obama to a Chimp

Our First Lady, Michelle Obama is a beautiful and Harvard educated woman of color, who has taken every opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives. But Walt Baker, the CEO of the Tennessee Hospitality Association believes she resembles a chimpanzee, and he found the idea so hilarious he had to share his racism with his friends. He forwarded a racist email to 12 prominent Nashville residents comparing Michelle Obama to a cheetah.

Comparing African Americans to apes has long been part of our institutional racism, which suggests that people of color are less than human. And when Baker was first asked about the email, he dismissed any racial implications associated with its message, saying “it was in good fun.” Baker said he meant no offense and sent the email to “a particular group of friends.” “If anybody wants to make a political agenda out of it, they’re wasting their time,” said Baker.

At least one recipient didn’t share Baker’s racism and alerted the media. Two days later, Baker was fired from his position as the CEO of the Tennessee Hospitality Association.
That, in my opinion is to be expected but you know what the worst part is? The fact that I know Baker wasn't the only person on the planet to forward that e-mail to friends.

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