Thursday, July 1, 2010


In the past posts, you have been provided with some great tips on resume-writing, interviewing and how to follow-up with interviewers. In this post, we will focus on another important aspect of the job search - networking.

Typically, most job opportunities come from word-of-mouth. If you are interested in a particular job or company, try to see if you can find someone within that organization who can recommend you for the job. Having someone forward your resume to the hiring manager can keep you from getting lost within a company's online recruiting system.

Why are so many people afraid of networking? Probably, because the idea of approaching someone you don't know very well can be intimidating. Here are a few tips:

•Create a networking plan

•Develop a list of people to network with (don't forget social media)

•Make sure you have your elevator speech

•Attend networking events

•Schedule informational interviews

It is also imperative to keep in mind is that networking is valuable not only when you are looking for a job. It is important to keep up with and cultivate your network. You never know who may present you with your next great professional or personal opportunity - be proactive and make regular attempts to build your network.

Want to know more? Follow the next posts as we will go more in-depth on each of these great ideas, starting with: "How to Create a Networking Plan."

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